We have over 8,000 items in our media library here at WPExplorer and there is no way we’d be able to re-add them all manually so we always run a full website backup daily. This is a great feature, except they only take database backups which means that everything else in your WordPress installation (your images, themes, plugins and settings) will be lost if something were to happen to your website.

Many good hosting companies offer daily backups as a feature of their hosting packages. This is why you should keep backups of your website. If you have more than a couple posts, a custom theme or if you’ve simply spent a lot of time or effort getting your WordPress website just the way you want it you’d be extremely bummed if something happened right? Yeah, we thought so. Make sure your website fail-safe backup is ready with BackupBuddy – the easiest way to backup your WordPress site! And now you can get your backups ready for the holiday season since iThemes is offering an exclusive offer to WPExplorer users as well as a site-wide discount that you really shouldn’t miss! The Importance of WordPress Site Backups

We’re in the second week of December already – wow this month is flying by! But don’t let the holiday bustle distract you from WordPress maintenance and security best practices.